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What are HMO Properties

The Environmental Health Officers’ professional notes state the following classifications:

Category A: Flatlets & Bedsits – some sharing of facilities (usually a bathroom/WC)
Category B: Shared Houses – all facilities normally shared (usually students)
Category C: Lodgings – meals provided
Category D: Hostels, B&B, Guesthouses – where people live as a main home (not just visiting)
Category E: Residential Homes
Category F: Self-Contained Flats – created by conversion

Any HMO occupied by persons comprising no more than 2 families
Any HMO occupied by no more than 2 persons in addition to the owner and family members of the owner

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I’ve just heard from my solicitor that he has the funds in from Interbay, had paid off our mortgage and is sending the balance on to me, which means that finally this is all over and  I can move on.  Thank you all so much for your help in arranging the mortgage, I am sure that my future plans will involve needing to arrange finance, and I will happily come back to you again.